3 Matcha Kit-Kats by Nestle

Matcha is recently known as super healthy food and Nestle Japan has opened up new door to one of their most powerful selling product, Kit-Kat.
Did you know that Matcha has more than 30 healthy efficacies? Let me point out some of those.
1. Anti-aging.
Matcha contain β-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B 2, catechin, tannin and flavonol which have antioxidative effect.
2. Prevent cancer.
Vitamin U, vitamin C, tannin, catechin, chlorophyll, vitamin E, β-carotene, dietary fiber, polyphenol of Matcha slow down and prevent transition of the disease.
3. Prevent hangover.
Caffein of matcha activate brain function which dulled by alcohol, and tannin suppress absorbing alcohol. Drinking matcha or green tea is good for the morning of hangover.
4. Improve concentration.
Theanine of matcha relaxes brain. Therefore, brain can concentrate.
5. Resistance to stress.
Vitamin C makes more resistant to stress. Matcha contains five to six times of Vitamin C of orange.
There are more and more, such as recover from fatigue, improve sleep, enhancement in memory, prevents bad breath, good skin, etc.
So, why not take the good stuff in by a way as much as delicious possible. Matcha Kit-Kat may just be the answer.
I prepared 3 different types of Matcha Kit-Kat I could find at the store, and here's their review.
(This post is categorized into "Fukuoka" just because I bought them there. These matcha flavor Kit-Kat should be sold almost anywhere in Japan.)

Marugoto chaba, (まるごと茶葉). Price: ¥398

Crushued tea leaves are mixed in matcha flavor chocolate.

Strong astringency is in between sweet matcha flavor chocolate. This astringenci-ness wasn't what I expected. Incentive of this Kit-Kat is recommended for matcha expert.
I admire Nestle's enthusiasm in this Kit-Kat because there are so many "fakes" which express "realness" in their products. The taste of this Kit-Kat simply tells "real" whole tea leaves are used, no doubt. I love it.

Koi matcha Otona no amasa, (濃い抹茶 大人の甘さ).
Price: ¥324
"Otona no amasa" series are something I would always buy. Less sweet products are personally, best product of all because more consumable and enjoyable.

Tea leaves are mixed in the chocolate but much less when compared to "Marugoto chaba".

Layers of matcha chocolate is in between crispy biscuits. Taste much less astringency than "Marugoto chaba" Kit-Kat. Matcha chocolate is less sweet but astringency is not too strong. Very balanced taste.

Mainichi no zeitaku Matcha Double berry and almond, (毎日の贅沢 抹茶 ダブルべリー&アーモンド).
Price: ¥398
105g. Due to rich ingredients, contents of this products are a bit less than other packages of Kit-Kats.

This "Mainichi no zeitaku" series are known to use plenty of dried fruits and nuts. This time, cranberry, raspberry and almond are used.

To place dried berries and almond, the top layer of matcha chocolate is thicker than others. Crunchy cranberry and raspberry and crispy almond are now, something I may just will always want with matcha. That's how much they really get along.
In fact, I liked this Kit-Kat the best out of these three matcha products. Nicely sweet dried fruits and matcha mix is perfectly match. Crushed almond gives extra joy in chewing.
Where to buy: "Nestle"
Luckily, these matcha Kit-Kats are not hard to find. Even supermarkets stores in corner of town sales those. If you have not time searching for them, many airport sales various types of Kit-Kats.
Nestle Japan official site (Matcha products page).
Nestle Japan Kit-Kat official site.