Leather goods by Tsuchiya-kaban
“Tsuchiya Kaban Seizosho” (土屋鞄製造所) is a leather company founded in 1965. Its first and still huge sale products, “randoseru” (ランドセル), that’s what they started. The company’s policy is explicitly shown in their way of making leather goods.
One by one. Every single leather products line up in their stores is made by experienced craftsman. It can be said that this is very unlikely for a company hires over 180 employees. There are 21 retail stores throughout Japan including randoseru speciality shops.
Among those stores, I would, especially, like to recommend 2 shops: Nishi-Arai honten as their flagship store and Karuizawa koboten. These 2 stores are only stores that workshops are attached. On weekdays, you can observe making randoseru at those stores.
Their “randoseru” is highly evaluated in Japan. Especially, randoseru for adults are constantly out of stock. Because pre-order of “OTONA RANDSEL” is always fully booked as soon as re-sale is announced. Unfortunately, shipping of all items are limited in Japan. Furthermore, all randoseru are made on order and at 11 shops, which I will mention at the bottom of this pase, does not have stock nor exibition of randoseru.
Despite the above, if you still want to see randoseru. You can see them at randoseru speciality shops called “Doguten” (童具店, どうぐてん). Here are some of Tsuchiya’s leather products.
Price: ¥100,000
Colors: Black, Brown
Using cow’s leather as its main material. Incredibly durable and having used gives unique texture of charm and distinctive.
Side view of brown version.
Comprehensive technique of making randoseru for decades is also shown in a back. Using 3 different sets of cushion are used to give a way up comfort.
Camera snap bag, (カメラ散歩バッグ). Price: ¥46,000
Using oil smooth leather. The leather’s surface is not processed. So, more naturally made. Cow’s color spots, winkle are as almost as they are. Perfect bag for carrying camera and go for a snap walk. The size is 20.5 × 33.5× 10.0cm, can even be used for a short trip.
Cordovan wallet, (コードバン長札入れ).
Price: ¥44,000
Water dyed cordovan is used. With days of hard work and effort, dyed and surface is carefully waxed. The texture after used for certain amount of time gives extra shine which ordinal cordovan can ever be.
Where to buy: “Tsuchiya-kaban Seizosho”
Tsuchiya-kaban run 9 leather stores and 10 randoseru stores. In addition to that, there are 2 workshop attached to store Nishi-arai honten and Karuizawa koboten, if you can.
To see the list of leather stores, click on below link.
If you prefer English page, translated the URL using google translation.
To see the list of randoseru stores, click on below link.
Tsuchiya-kaban official site.