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Washi socks by Itoitex


If you haven't got smelly feet, even after 8 hours of work. Then, you are gifted. For everyone-else, a pair of socks by Itoitex are what you should be wearing.

Founder of the company, Mr. Itoi has been participating in fabric industry for half a century and dealing with major brands in abroad. With his dedication to fabric and experience, Itoitex was finally founded in 2015.

Although there are not too many varieties of socks, most of socks are made as five-toed (Only 1 type is one-toed socks).

The design is simple but the performance is simply astonishing. Washi (Japanese paper) as main material provides 3 times stronger, twice ligher, 15 times more water-absorbent, and quick-dry.

Reeling is made from washi made of Manila hemp and silk. Inner fabric touches legs provides superior comfortability. Outer fabric that covers the socks are made from nylon and polyurethane which provides thrice more of abrasion resistance.

The socks durability perfectly fits use of daily, business, and athletics.

washi socks, itoitex, mementravel, athletes,

Itoitex running socks - five toed, (ランニングソックス五本指).


¥2,322 (SEMI LONG)

¥3,240 (LONG)

Size: 22 to 25, 25 to 28, 27 to 30cm

itoitex, ランニングソックス, 五本指, five-toed socks, washi

Out from the package. Texture of outside is firm.

texture of itoitex socks, mementravel

Fabrics are weaved in Nagoya and sewed by factory located in Nara. The only factory which is capable of making these socks. That explains the price.

itoitex socks, washi, silk, mementravel

Sturdiness is achieved by main material, washi. Starting to wonder if they are comfortable.

inside itoitex socks,

Inside out. Texture is definitely harsh, kind of sandpapery.

wearing itoitex socks, mementravel

Put them (SEMI LONG) on anyways. Harsh texture wasn't as I expected when I tried to put them on. And make sure to stretch them out to wear easily, especially the very first time.

wearing itoitex long socks, mementravel

LONG type is more suitable for ladies. Although it needs a bit of work on wearing and getting used to five-toed socks, LONG type provides compression effect which helps blood circulation, and most important of all, make your legs thinner.

five-toed socks by itoitex, mementravel, health, healthy

Pulled quite hard to put on, but there wasn't even a single thread loosened. Five-toed socks are not only very comfortable to wear even for long period but also contributes to blood circulation and quick-drying. These quick-drying socks help to avoid athlete's foot and stinky feet.

Worn for a day and went for a jog at the end of it. Sweat was almost dry and they didn't smell at all.

Smelly feet is matter of life or death for Japanese.

I am buying 6 more pairs.


Where to buy: "Itoitex"

If you prefer Enlish, click on below link to see google translated URL.

Itoitex official site.


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