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Akai fukufuku kan by Hidaka shokuhin


Blowfish is called "Fugu" (河豚, ふぐ) in Japan. It is one of symbolic life for good fortune, because its pronunciation is similar to a word fortune, "Fuku" (福).

Original meaning of "Fuku" was "happiness", but before, it meant and wished for people to live happily and hoped that future awaits people to be good.

mementravel, blowfish canned, 赤いふく福缶

The package of this canned blowfish shows Kanji of Fuku is upside-down. This is done for another reason. Kanji characters, in fact many of those, share same pronunciation but different shape. Such as, "倒" (fall or collapse) and "到" (get or reach) as "Tou". In the season of Chinese new years, houses put up "福” upside-down in front of their houses to show "到福", meaning "to get to good fortune".

There is absolutely no way you get unlucky by eating this.

ピリ辛味, 赤いふく福缶, mementravel, akai fuku fuku kan, shimonoseki, moji

Akai fukufuku kan (赤いふく福缶).

Price: ¥540

Blowfish, AKA White chestnut is marinaded with red pepper.

赤いふく福缶, blowfish, white chestnut,

Bones are soft, no need to worry about.

mementravel, akaifukufukukan, 河豚,

I would call this as a good accompany by a bottle or 2 of Sake.


Where to buy: "Hidaka shokuhin"

Direct sales store.

Address: 2-2-5, Takehisacho, Simonoseki city, Yamaguchi

Open hours: 9:00 to 17:00

Closed on: weekends

Simonoseki Daimaru store.

Address: B1F, 4-1-1, Takezakicho, Simonoseki city, Yamaguchi

Open hours: 10:00 to 19:30

Kaikyo plaza store.

Address: East side, Kaikyo plaza, Minatomachi, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka

Open hours: 10:00 to 20:00

Google map.

Kaikyo plaza official site.


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