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Baby goods by Akachan no Shiro


The country of manufacture is not a big issue for me, as a grown up. Buying, at least I think is, the best design if the price is affordable. For my kid, no. Do tons of research before buying anything for my dearest one. Making sure the safety of fabric and sewing, the price is not something I'd be worrying.

That's why I buy clothes for my kid that are made in Japan. To be more precise, from "Akachan no Shiro" (赤ちゃんの城).

I happened to know about the company later on than when my wife gave a birth in hospital. Didn't notice at first but, at the Obstetrics and Gynecology, things they prepared such as swaddling clothes, nursing pillow, and futon were far better than I see at stores. (Assumed things you buy at the hospital are naturally expensive but there was a reason.)

You wouldn't find products of Akachan no Shiro at discount stores. To buy those, you need to go to department sores such as Takashimaya, SOGO, Isetan and so on. (There are always numbers of department stores in or near train stations. Never hard to find one.)

Swaddling cloth star quilt, (星キルト おくるみ).

Price: ¥11,880

Size: 50 to 70

Material: Polyester 100%

Colors: Blue, Pink, White

Little star vest, (リトルスター ベスト).

Price: ¥5,940

Size: 70 and 80

Material: Micro fur x Plain stitch fabric

Colors: Blue, Pink, White

asa no ha, baby dress, 麻の葉ベビードレス

Asano ha baby dress, (麻の葉 ベビードレス).

Price: ¥2,808

Size: 50

Material: Cotton 100%

Colors: Light blue, Light pink, Light yellow

piyo hiyoko bath towel, made in japan, imabari, 今治

Piyo hiyoko bath towel, (ぴよひよこ バスタオル).

Price: ¥3,240

Size: 95 x 95cm

Material: untwisted thread and gauze (Imabari towel)

egypt cotton, baby suits, メメントラベル

Egypt cotton baby suits, (エジプト綿 コンビ肌着).

Price: ¥2,700

Size: 50 and 60

Material: Cotton 100%

pastel bear bib, akachan no shiro, mementravel

Pastel bear bib, (パステルベア スタイ).

Price: ¥1,404

Material: Cotton 100%


Where to buy: "Akachan no Shiro"

Tokyu sapporo.

Sakurano Aomori, Hirosaki, Hachinohe, Kitakami.

Odakyu Sinjuku, Machida, Fujisawa.

Isetan Shinjuku, Tachikawa, Fuchu, Sagamihara, Matsudo, Urawa.

SOGO Yokohama, Chiba, Omiya.


Akachan no Shiro official site.

To see list of all stores.


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