Boiled fish paste by Saimon Kamaboko
"Kamaboko" (蒲鉾 or かまぼこ) is paste product made with boiled white flesh fish. Having to remove blood and fat, grind the fish with stone mills. Then, sugar, salt, mirin and egg white are added to knead them together. After molding the ingredients, steamed or baked to cook. It is often decorated with vivid red coloring what you would mostly find in Japanese supermarkets. Even though they are cooked, kamaboko can easily go bad when stored inappropriately. Storing in cool condition is mandatory. So, be careful if you are planning to bring back home.
This time, I'd like to introduce beautiful kamaboko products made by "Saimon kamaboko honten" (西門蒲鉾本店). Saimon kamaboko company was founded in 1913. For more than 100 years, skilled craftsman have been making delicious kamaboko. Using golden threadfin bream and water cleaned by maifan stone which contains vanadium, magnesium, and potassium. Most processes of molding are carried out by hands.

Hakata Shunkan, (博多春冠). Price: from ¥2,900
golden threadfin bream, starch, salt, black bean, amino acid, kanjo, sorbic acid, coloring agent (charcoal powder, cacao pigment, blue 1, red 3, red 106, yellow 5, turmeric, annatto, vitamin B 2)
Last for 7 days in cool.

Fancy set, (ファンシーセット). Price: ¥2,150
fish meat, starch, salt, amino acid, stevia, licorice, sorbic acid, coloring (charcoal powder, cocoa pigment, red 3, red 106)
Palm size of pine, bamboo, plum, crane, turtle, heart, tulip, star, and airplane.

Original kamaboko, (オリジナル蒲鉾).
Price: negotiable
Only one in the world can be ordered. With your favorite message and picture. How about an anniversary or a gift to whom you love?

Where to buy: "Saimon kamaboko"
Address: 5-172, Kamigofukumachi, Hakata ward, Fukuoka city
Open hours: 9:30 to 18:30
Closed on: Tuesday and Second Sunday
Saimon kamaboko honten official site.