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Cheese tart and cake by PABLO


To make a cheese cake that no one has ever tasted before. That's what PABLO's founder Mr. Sumoto used say. It took him and his team to develop satisfactry product - cheese cake to develop. Uniqueness of the product was inspired by grilling a steak - rare, medium, well-done. "Rare" as melting texture and "Medium" as exquisite.

There are 50 shops located throughout Japan. Just make sure to visit one of those, you'll love it and thank me.

I happened to taste their mini cheese tart and cake. Let's take a look.

PABLO, cheese tart, mini, plain, mementravel

PABLO mini - plain, (パブロミニ プレーン).

Price: ¥200

Ingredients: Tart cup (wheat flour, sugar, margarine, wheat whole grain flour, butter, eggs, etc.) cream cheese, sugar, egg white, milk, sweetened eggs, lemon juice, salt, stabilizer (Thickening sugar), leavening agent, perfume, emulsifying agent, carotene pigment (including wheat, egg, milk ingredients, soybean as part of raw materials)

Cheese on top is nicely baked and inside is soft. Creamy thick cheese and crumbly tart is a hell of a match.

Enjoy this delicious cheese tart as it, is the first thing. To enjoy more, bring back to where you'll be staying and put them in freezer.

Simply by freezing it makes the tart into cheese ice cream covered in tart. Cold mouth-melting texture of cheese and icy bit hardened tart are refreshing.

From completely frozen, keep in fridge for about 4 hours. Mid-frozen, makes you enjoy a mixture of frozen and cold, melt on the outside and icy on the inside.

If you prefer premium creamy, put it in a well heated oven for a couple of minutes. In these ways, you can enjoy 3 totally different kinds of sweets.

Premium cheese tart, (プレミアムチーズタルト).

Price: ¥1,650

Ingredients: Cream cheese, sugar, processed cheese, cream (dairy), shukure dough (flour, sugar, butter, margarine, egg, salt), sweet eggs, syrup processed product, butter, eggs, flour, corn starch, stabilizer Polysaccharides), emulsifiers, pH adjusters, perfumes, leavening agents, carotene pigments (including wheat, eggs, milk ingredients, soybeans as part of raw materials)

Best seller of PABLO, the premium cheese tart with caramel sauce on top. This delicious confectionery is often sold out in the morning.

The caramel sauce is made bitter, to match sweetness of the cake.

Cheese tarts and cakes are the only thing fascination of PABLO. Millefeuille and saber made with chocolate, strawberry, sweet potato, so much to go on. There are stores not only in Japan but also in Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada and Australia.

But I strongly recommend that you try limited tarts only sold at specific shops, such as Ogura (adzuki) toast flavor at Aichi, rare caramel flavor at Hokkaido, etc.


Where to buy: "PABLO"

PABLO's page. (See store list at the bottom of the page.)

PABLO official site.


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