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Chopsticks by Hashiya


Apart from souvenir stores, chopstick speciality shop is not many as it may seem in Japan. It is because chopsticks are sold with other merchandise.

It's OK, if you are not particular about chopsticks. I'm not saying being particular is the answer to everyone.

In Takamiya area of Fukuoka, there is a store that is specialized in chopsticks called "Hashiya" (八四八). I happened to visit the store to buy a very first pair for my kid. I needed to buy, at that moment I thought I needed, chopsticks to use in "Okuizome" (お食い初め) ceremony.

Okuizome is a kind of celebration which is held 100, 110 or 120 days after birth of a new baby. The ceremony is to make the baby pretend to eat red snapper (鯛), red rice (赤飯), clear soup (お吸い物), and Japanese pickles. Hoping that the baby will never have to worry about food during a lifetime.

My wife and I went to look for a fancy pair for that ceremony. We asked the store owner which are the best ones. After a very thorough lecture by the owner, he offered us much cheaper and proper pair.

Not only that he is honest man, he taught us so many things and facts relates to chopsticks.

Although the store is not big nor fancy, the owner's passion and knowledge about chopsticks won't be found in other stores.

hashiya, chopsticks store in Fukuoka, mementravel

Display of chopsticks may not seem overwhelming. Store space is not huge but I'm sure you'll find the best pair here.

Made-to-order chopsticks are the best feature of Hashiya. You can discuss design and material with the owner.

made-to-order chopsticks, mementravel, メメントラベル

Made-to-order chopsticks for children. Coloring grip is made with Washi (Japanese paper) as uneven, it teaches position of fingers and helps to hold.

urushi chopsticks, mementravel, lacquer

Lacquer painted chopsticks. Lacquered as design purpose and they last longer.

chopstick rest by hashiya, mementravel

Chopstick rest is also a perfect souvenir from Japan. These animal shape rest are Eto (干支).

Owner was making chopsticks for new year's order. He is curving plum twig. Plum is Fukuoka's prefecture tree. Plum twig is perfect material for chopsticks, straight and strong.

Finished plum chopsticks. He says making them is his routine in every end of year. 5 pair set for ¥1,000 to show his gratitude to customers.

Availability depends on how may he can obtain. So, they may be sold out earlier than expected.

manner about chopsticks, mementravel

In the corner of the store, there was a board of tips about chopsticks. How to hold chopsticks properly, taboo in manner, etc.

Taboos in chopsticks (Designation and description may differ in regions.)

1. Kakibashi (かき箸).

Allocate mouth directly to bowl or plate and gulp down.

2. Komibashi (こみ箸).

Stuffing your mouth.

3. Mochibashi (持ち箸).

Hold bowl or plate and chopsticks with same hand.

4. Watashibashi (渡し箸).

Placing chopsticks on bowl or plate during supper. Use chopstick rest if you are not finished but want to rest. Placing chopsticks on plates means you dislike the food.

5. Neburibashi (ねぶり箸).

Licking chopsticks.

6. Tatakibashi (叩き箸).

If you want to play an instrument, chopsticks are not the one.

Taboos in chopsticks 2.

1. Yosebashi (寄せ箸).

Using chopsticks to pull bowl or plates.

2. Sashibashi (刺し箸).

Sticking chopsticks on food.

3. Namidabashi (涙箸).

Dripping liquid such as soup and sauce from the tips of chopsticks.

4. Utsuribashi (移り箸).

Using chopsticks to jump from side dish to other side dish without eating rice in between.

5. Mayoibashi (迷い箸).

Hovering chopsticks back and forth over side dishes when can't decide what to eat.

6. Kojibashi (こじ箸).

Taking only the favorite food from a dish.

Very instructive.

The owner is full of knowledge and very passionate about chopsticks. If you speak Japanese, I'm sure there is a lot to learn from him.

hashiya, 八四八, fukuoka chopsticks store, mementravel

Where to buy: "Hashiya"

Address: 101, 1-2-18, Noma, Minami ward, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka

Open hours: 10:00 to 20:00

Closed on: Wednesday


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