Food replica at Ganso Shokuhin Sample

Food replica.
It is a replica of food that is made from plastic, wax, resin or similar materials. Its purpose is to represent dishes or food that are available at the restaurants in Japan. You'd be surprised how they look identical when you actually compare displays at the street and the served dish.
These products are made by craftsman specialized in food samples. Even a professional chef can hardly tell from a certain distance which is food sample and the actual food when they are displayed on a table.
Sophisticated and complexed sample is quite expensive. But simple samples like a piece of sushi, sweets, or even a dish is fairly priced and affordable.

Food sample, Finished products.
Most food samples are already set up and painted and good to go for souvenirs. And I'm sure you don't find them outside Japan very often. (At least ones at Japan's quality)
These replica's use is not only for stimulating your salivary gland but also to be displayed in showrooms, TV shows, movies, plays and so on.
Plus, these simple finished replicas are affordable and suitable for souvenirs.

Food replica, "ganso shokuhin sampleya", Carrot.
Human looking vegetables are so cute.
Price: ¥80,000

Food replica, "ganso shokuhin sampleya", Hamburger Dome.
This is art!
Price: ¥180,000

Food replica, "ganso shokuhin sampleya", Pizza Dome.
Cheese texture looks just amazing.
Price: ¥120,000
These high quality replicas may not be the best choice for give aways but if you own a restaurants or can think of another use, worth considering.
Where to buy: "Ganso Shokuhin Sampleya"

Tokyo Skytree Town Solamachi store.
Address: East Yard on the 4th floor of Tokyo Solamachi
(1-1-2 Oshiage, Sumidaku, Tokyo)
Open Hours: 10:00~21:00
Nearest Station: Tokyo Skytree station or Oshiage station

Kappabashi store.
Address: 3-7-6 Nishi Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Open Hours: 10:00~17:30
5 min walk from Exit A2 of Asakusa station for the Tsukuba Express.
12 min walk from Exit 3 of Tawaramachi station on Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
15 min walk from Exit 1 of Iriya station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line.

Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse store.
Address: 1-1 Shinminato, Nakaku, Yokohama city, Kanagawa
Open Hours: 10:00~19:00
15 min walk from Sakuragicho station on subway.
15 min walk from Kannai station on subway.
6 min walk from Bashamichi or Nihon Odori station on Minatomirai line.
12 min walk from Minatomirai station.
For anyone interested, more at their website.
Ganso Shokuhin Sampleya