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Food replica by Maiduru


This is unexpected but rather convincing. Not as many as used to be, but there were tons and hundreds of restaurants displayed food replica in their show windows to attract customers. So, I guess generation of mine, we've seen enough and not urged to buy. (Except for younger generation who have not seen often.)

Food replica being the top bought souvenir by foreign tourists, is because those are incredibly detailed products and must be refreshing to see such Japanesy items.

One of my viewer sent me a request to put up about fake food shop. (Thank you!) Let me start by one in Tokyo, Asakusa, where practically 90% of you go to.

There is a shop called "Maiduru" (まいづる). One of the most experienced replica maker who also make business use replicas. If you are an owner of Japanese restaurant or even a Sushi bar, visit their pro store to see what they offer. ( Unlike the souvenir ones, business use replicas are full-sized and priced.

sushi tokei, clock, 寿司時計, まいづる

Sushi clock S, (寿司時計S赤桶)

Price: ¥16,524

Size: 21cm

Real looking sushi tells you the time. If your wife ask you the time. Tell " "It's egg."

The casing of this clock is available with different colors. Too popular to keep constant stock. You see it, you buy.

tendon, soba, replica, mementravel, メメントラベル

Gokusho Tendon, (極小天丼)

Price: ¥2,916

Size: 5x5x6cm

Good comparison is made here with 100 yen coin. Details are so incredible.

food replica, sweets, parfait,

Petit Kyogi Mandarine parfait, (プチ経木マンダリンパフェ)

Price: ¥1,296

Size: 7x4.5x4.5cm

Cream is made with soft vinyl chloride, avoids discoloration. If the color changes, just wipe it with dried towel.

fake okonomiyaki, replica, food sample, keyring

Okonomiyaki Seafood Mayo Keyring, (お好み焼きシーフードマヨキーホルダー)

Price: ¥1,620

Size: 4.7cm

Look at the texture of mayonnaise. So real. If you flip it back, you can see vinegar ginger.

fake food strap for mobile, bacon egg sandwich, mementravel

Bacon egg sandwich strap for mobile, (ベーコンエッグサンドストラップ)

Price: ¥1,944

Size: 5x2.6x2.1cm

Strap it on your mobile in case you get hungry. I am confident to take a bite if I get lost in mountain.

fake food, maiduru, replica, japanese, sushi

Mini Nigiri Magro magnet, (ミニニギリマグロマグネット)

Price: ¥918

Size: 4cm

I put this on my parked car. It was gone. Next time, I will double it.

Seeing on site is the best practice. Go to Maiduru to explore the world of fake. There are a thousand of selection at the store.


Where to buy: "Maiduru"

Address: 1-5-17, Nishiasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Open hours: 9:00 to 18:00

Closed on: never

Google map.

Sample shop Maiduru official site.

Sample shop Maiduru Pro official site.


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