Food replica by Sato sample
Posting food sample (fake food) again! Sato sample, located in Nishiasakusa, is more focused on business use than general merchandise.
There are also food replicas suitable for souvenir such as fake food key-rings and even earrings. Their dedication to making fake food is something more than just a souvenir.
There are "raw meat business card holder", "sushi container", and so on.
Wondering about Nishiasakusa brings you findings of plausible numbers of fake food shops, but finding the best, funniest one is guaranteed time consuming.

Nigiri sushi ebi, (にぎり寿司 えび中)
Price: ¥977
Size: 2x10cm
Reflection of shrimp looks fresh.

Nigiri sushi katsuo, (にぎり寿司 かつお大)
Price: ¥972
Size: 3x9cm
Ginger and green onion on top.

Tetsukyu maki, (鉄キュー巻)
Price: ¥668
Size: 2.7x2.5x2.8cm
Rolled sushi, "Tekkamki" (鉄火巻) with tuna and cucumber.

Kakisu, (かき酢)
Price: ¥2,880
Size: 15cm long
Oyster with maple radish and green onion. Popular sales to tourists from Europe.

Tamago magnet, (たまごマグネット)
Price: ¥2,500
Size: 5.5x4x4.5cm
One of my favorite. Perfect item for plunking. You can stick it on your fridge or any metal surface.

Beef business card holder, (牛肉名刺入れ)
Price: ¥3,599
Size: 10x7x1cm
My best favorite item. Often sold out. No wonder.

Where to buy: "Sato sample"
Address: 3-7-4, Nishiasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Open hours:
9:00 to 18:00 (Mon to Sat)
10:00 to 17:00 (Sun and National holiday)
Closed on: Friday
Sato sample official site.
Original form (Japanese)