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Furoshiki by Musubi

furoshiki, it can be folded in many ways


Furoshiki is Japanese square shape cloth that is used to cover and carry things. It was a custom of Japan to use the square cloth to cover a present and unfold it in front of the person who receives the gift. This is because it was considered rude to open a gift with the presence of person who gives the gift. If you see Japanese who doesn't open a present, may want to cut him/ her a little slack.

Back on track. So, it will not be rude for giver to opens a gift instead of receiver. To fold it into furoshiki helps the situation because the giver doesn't have to open the gift.

furoshiki as a bag

Regardless to its historical background, furoshiki is useful and reasonable souvenir. Like origami, there are many ways to be folded and can be used in many situations, like when you travel or of course, when to give an expensive gift.

kabuki furoshiki designed by cochae

Cochae design, Kabuki.

Price: ¥864

Designed by Cochae. It can be folded to look like kabuki face.

ukiyoe, namiuranifuji

Ukiyoe, Namiura ni Fuji

Price: ¥2,160

Katsushika Hokusai's ukiyoe art-work, Namiura ni Fuji.

origami furoshiki, shishimai

Origami furoshiki, shishimai.

Price: ¥1,296

Shishimai is Japanese lion dance, performed to pray good crops. (Sometimes performed to exorcise evil spirit.) This origami furoshiki may be the best choice of souvenir.


Where to buy: "Musubi"

Address: 2-31-8, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Open hours: 11:00 to 19:00

Closed on: Wednesday

Musubi official site.


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