Hanao shoes by WHOLE LOVE KYOTO

You may not know the name of the string attached to "Geta (下駄)" or "Zori (草履)", Japanese traditional shoes, is called "Hanao (鼻緒)". You must've seen it before.
A company in Kyoto, CHIMASKI has launched a new project to combine traditional shoes and modern shoes to as one. Their products are becoming popular day by day and production can't keep up with the sales. Currently out of stock. (As of 7th July, 2017)
There will be upcoming sale event at Fujii Daimaru in Kyoto from 10th to 23rd, July 2017. Make a visit if you're interested. (Google map)
Also, other events info will be updated on their website, wholelovekyoto.jp.

Hanao shoes.
Price: ¥18,144 (It may be changed)
Unique accent, Hanao is attached to MOON STAR shoes, also made in Japan. Hanao is made in Kyoto, that's what's cool about it.

Different colors and variation are available once they are in stock.

Where to buy: "CHIMASKI"
Whole Love Kyoto official site.