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Hokusai T-shirts by Kume seni


What's more bothering than knowing your favorite T-shirt is too brittle to be worn often? That's part of why I envy America. T-shirts made in USA are very durable, long-life. It is becoming harder and harder to find USA T-shirts in Japan.

It is hard to see what's under my nose. T-shirts made in Japan are also satisfactory.

Kume seni (久米繊維) is over half century running T-shirts maker operating in Tokyo. (80 years of history in 2015.) Uses 100% pure cotton, and all processing is done in Japan, from cutting to finishing. (Most companies are simply calling their products made in Japan by finishing the last piece of work.)

This time, let me introduce you one of their work, "Hokusai T-shirts".

kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 山下白雨, sankahakuu
kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 山下白雨, sankahakuu
kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 山下白雨, sankahakuu

Sanka Hakuu (山下白雨).

Price: ¥4,104

kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 東都浅草本願寺, totoasakusahonganji

Toto Asakusa Honganji (東都浅草本願寺).

Price: ¥4,104

kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 挟虫, hasamimushi

Hasami mushi (挟虫).

Price: ¥7,020

kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, お岩さん, oiwasan

Oiwasan (お岩さん).

Price: ¥4,104

kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 月兎, tsukiusagi
kume seni, hokusai, t-shirts, 久米繊維, 墨田区, 月兎, tsukiusagi

Tsuki Usagi (月兎).

Price: ¥4,104


Where to buy: "Kume seni"

Address: 3-9-6, Taihei, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

Open hours: 10:00 to 18:00

Closed on: Irregularly on weekends (check their calendar here.)

Kume seni official site.


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