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Ika senbei by Sugata


A company called "Sugata", operates in Iwate prefecture, makes unique senbei. Using dried squid and squid stock as its main ingredients. Creating very squidy flavor.

Its texture is fairly hard, when compared to ordinal senbei. So, it tastes better and better as you are chewing.

If you like seafood, especially the squid. This is worth a try. Definitely.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei

Ganso Ika Senbei

Price: ¥926

20 pack (2p x 10). Bigger packages are also available, 28 for ¥1,234, 42 for ¥1,851, and 56 for ¥2,469.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei2

The visual is cute and unique.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei3

If you don't need the box. You can also buy them for less price.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei, 三陸鉄道, santetsu, お座敷

Ganso Ika Senbei, Santetsu - Ozashiki.

Price: ¥910

16 pack. Santetsu is a short for "Sanriku Railway". You should come across one of their train when traveling the coastline.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei, 三陸鉄道, santetsu, レトロ

Ganso Ika Senbei, Santetsu - Retro.

Price: ¥910

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei, 三陸鉄道, santetsu, 一般車両

Ganso Ika Senbei, Santetsu - General cargo.

Price: ¥910

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei, 三陸鉄道, santetsu, 結合

Playful to see that these boxes can be connected.

すがた煎餅店, sugata's ika senbei, いか煎餅, squid senbei, 三陸鉄道, santetsu, 連結部分

To connect, cut along the cutline and fold the piece. Then, insert the fan-shaped parts into the next box.

Perfect souvenir for train maniac or kids?


Where to buy: "Sugata"

Main shop.

Address: 3-4-11, Fujiwara, Miyako city, Iwate

Open hours: 9:00 to 17:00

Closed on: Irregularly

Tel: 0193-71-2205

Hanawa factory.

Address: 11-23-1, Hanawa, Miyako city, Iwate

Open hours: 9:00 to 17:00

Closed on: Irregularly

Tel: 0193-89-1550

You can try make Ika senbei for ¥500 with a prior booking. To make a booking, click here. (Google translated)

There are also gift shops that sale Sugata's Ika senbei, such as Miyako station and JR Morioka station.

Sugata official site.


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