Kikicha by Hinosabo

There are tons of healthy foods sold as natural medicine. In Japan, such natural medicine are often sold as "super food". Chia seed, basil seed, tiger nuts, coconut oil, dried fruits, and so so on. There are hundreds of'em you can buy and I imagine there are very few people who definitely know what to buy.
Well, I am easily urged to buy such healthy food or drink as soon as I see it at a store. I could say buying something new is fun part about it.
I am not going to say you should stop buying new stuff every time you find. You should. But what if I tell you there is a tea that improves hay fever, nasal allergy, atopic dermatitis, diabetes, swelling, and balance of your diet? Should be interested.
"Kikicha" made by Hinosabo is the one you want. 24 different kinds of wild grasses and grains are blended. Additive and caffein free, so even infant and expectant mother can drink this tea.
Tastes roasted green tea slightly. Wild grass and wheat is what I felt. Neither simple nor unpleasant. I got used to the taste on second round.

Kikicha. (二十四種ぶれんど効茶)
Price: ¥1,080
400g pack.

Kikicha in tea bags. (二十四種ぶれんど効茶 マグカップ用ティーバッグ)
Price: ¥648
5g x 12 pack.

So, what's in it and good for. Here's a list I made.
1. Bracket fungus (霊芝) - Prevent and good for anticancer, leukopenia, heart disease, and arrhythmia.
2. Houttuynia cordata (どくだみ) - Good for diuresis and prevent hypertension, cirrhosis, and empyema.
3. Persimmon leaves (柿の葉) - Prevents arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stain and freckles.
4. Veitch's bamboo (くま笹) - Good for heavy stomach, indigestion, and recovery from fatigue.
5. Sugar cane (とうきび) - Improves liver function, and good for calculus.
6. Gynostemma pentaphyllum (あまちゃづる) - Prevents stomach and duodenal ulcer. Good for bronchitis and asthma.
7. Cassia tora (ハブ草) - Improves vision and good for weak stomach, diuresis, and constipation.
8. Plantain (おおばこ) - Good for antidiarrheal, catarrh bronchitis, headache and eye diseases.
9. Licorice (甘草) - Good for Neuralgia and sore throat.
10. Black bean tea (黒豆茶) - Good for menopause, osteoporosis, and cholesterol decomposition.
11. Wheat (麦) - Contains rich vitamins and good for arteriosclerosis.
12. Wolfberry leaves (クコの葉) - Good for hypertension diseases.
13. Gojiberry/ Wolfberry (クコの実) - Prevents fatty liver and good for anti-aging.
14. Simon (シモン) - Control hypertension and prevents diabetes.
15. Loquat leaves (びわの葉) - Good for stomachic and intestinal. Prevents prostatomegaly (BPH).
16. Mulberry leaves (桑の葉) - Suppress increase in blood sugar levels. Good for diuresis, cough, expectorant and inflammatory.
17. Hama tea (はま茶) - Helps liver disease.
18. Tear grass (はと麦) - Helps warts, rheumatism, neuralgia and duodenal ulcer. Good for skin.
19. Ginkgo leaf (イチョウ葉) - Lower cholesterol. Helps enuresis and numbness fingers. Prevents dementia.
20. Aloe (アロエ) - Good for stain, freckles, indigestion, and gastritis.
21. Field Horsetail (スギナ) - Prevents hay fever. Anti-cancer. Helps joint pain and dermatitis.
22. Roasted green tea (ほうじ茶) - Prevents flu and aging. Suppress cancer metastasis. Helps ulcer.
23. Gymnema (ギムネマ) - Reduce the absorption of carbohydrates. Good for slimming diet and diabetes.
24. Glechoma (垣通し) - Good for diuresis, kidney stone, and hypoglycemic.
Kikicha may not be panacea, but surely helps your body condition. After a month of drinking this tea, it has lowered my blood sugar level and stable and normal since then.
Let's stay healthy.
Until next time, chao.

Where to buy: "Hinosabo"
Address: 2nd basement, Hakata Riverain, 3-1, Simokawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka
Open hours: 10:30 to 19:30
Closed on: 1st January
Hinosabo official site.