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Seki edge nail clipper by GREEN BELL


How many of you care about nail clippers? I imagine very few. Once I had ingrown toenail and every time I play soccer, my socks were covered in blood. So, all socks I used have were black.

To recover the ingrown toenail, I had to have a surgery and rectificated my toenail. Since then, I get to wear all kinds of color of socks.

Colors of socks wasn't the only thing changed around me. The nail clippers. I was so afraid that my toenail go back to ingrown, and wanted best nail clipper I can buy.

After trying several different nail clippers. I met Green bell's nail clipper. Seki edge is my buddy.

All products from Green bell are tough, very precise and of course, hand made.

Stainless nail clipper, Seki edge.


S size for ¥1,080

M size for ¥1,296

L size for ¥1,620

Cuts your nail like a butter. Like you won't believe.

High grade stainless nail clipper, Seki edge.

Price: ¥1,620

It has a file on a side of the clipper. All blades used for these models are hand made.


Where to buy: "GREEN BELL"

TOKYU HANDS and LOFT stores.

TOKYU HANDS store list.

LOFT store list.

GREEN BELL official site.


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