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Shoe care supplies by Columbus

shoe care cream, shoehorn, columbus, japan, mementravel


A shoe care supplies company called "Columbus" (コロンブス) is one of the oldest shoe cream company in Japan. Shoe creams of Columbus have been people's basic item to not only shoes but also other leather goods. The company is founded in 1919, and changed its name to "Columbus" in Katakana form 3 years after the war when the nation is under reconstruction.

Since then, Columbus has never stopped being particular about the products that they make. Columbus's shoe creams are made from combination of wax of plants, animal and insects.

The blended wax is put into steam kettle and heated slowly to emulsify. It requires skillful technique and experience to determine the amount and timing of the wax to be put. Using both measuring instrument and human eyes, emulsified cream's color and texture are checked.

Then, jars are filled with the cream by hands, and again, checked for equality of the amount. The reason why they are filled by hands is because of individual difference of glass jars. To adjust the micro differences, they decided not to implement machines.

The jars that passed the tests are finally attached with label and packed for shipment.

Twice in every year, Columbus's shoe cream is placed in exhibition in Italy and every time, receives high praise.

boot black, shoe cream by columbus, mementravel

Shoe cream -black-, (シュークリーム 黒). Price: ¥1,080

As you look closely, you will notice that the cap and the label are in perfect position. This labeling is also done by hands. Another thing a machine is incapable of.

55g in a nice heavy jar with chic black and gold rim.

38 color variations are available. This soft texture cream is very well-spreading, so use only a small quantity. Moderately polish, making it perfect choice for business shoes.

columbus pocket shoehorn, コロンブスポケットシューホーン, mementravel

Columbus pocket shoehorn, (コロンブスポケットシューホーン).

Price: ¥1,404

Size: 7.7cm

Brass is gold-plated to produce a sense of luxury. The weight is very heavy as a portable shoehorn, which surely satisfy desire of possess and gives superiority feeling.

The surface gives moderate sliding and unyielding metallic body protects from damaging back of your shoes.


Where to buy: "Columbus"

Columbus's products are sold in department stores and retail stores throughout Japan. Try menswear section in any department stores and shoe shops that handle leather shows.

Columbus official site.


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