Vegetable crayon by mizuiro

The tradition means "what a waste" when roughly translated. Squandering natural resources for no good reason is considered immoral thing to do, and the tradition was passed onto generations to generations by Japanese folk tales.
It is commonly used to teach children to eat all the food served for them. "If you don't eat all up, the mottainai ghost will come to you at night." The trick had worked until I was like 3 but I haven't left a meal unfinished since then because I realized the effort of my mom to prepare food for me. Waking up earlier, going grocery shopping, and cleaning the dishes.
CEO of mizuiro inc., Ms. Kimura also respects the tradition and started up "mizuiro". She found out that there are tremendous amount of unsalable vegetables’ leaf that is normally wasted in the process of harvesting vegetables. Using those "mottainai" bits of vegetables, "Oyasai crayon" (おやさいクレヨン) was born.
"Oyasai (vegetable in Japanese) crayon" is made from rice oil and rice wax extracted from rice bran and vegetable leaves. Although the crayon is not advised as edible, no harm will be made to children by licking or putting the crayon in mouth. Considering ordinal crayons are made from petroleum and artificial color, oyasai crayon is a game changer for parents who are raising small children.

Oyasai crayon standard, (おやさいクレヨン スタンダード).
Price: ¥2,160
Cabbage: used outer leaf normally disposed
Green onion: used cut ends
Chinese yam: used skin normally disposed
Burdock: used skin normally disposed
Corn: used "out of standard" corns
Carrot: used "out of standard" carrots
Apple: used skin normally disposed
Black currant: used skin normally disposed
Purple potato: used "out of standard" potatos
Bamboo Charcoal: used already used charcoal in Tanabata festival

Ohana no crayon, (おはなのクレヨン). Price: ¥1,296
Flower crayon that is a limited product while stocks last. Flowers that are normally disposed are dried and powdered. Then, mixed with rapeseed oil and beeswax. Drawing with real color of flowers is exceptional.

So, what are they really like? How are those drawing and color quality?

Very colorful, inspiring rich color crayons are packed in the box with description of the colors at the side. Smell is much much less than ordinal crayons, neither they don't smell nothing like artificial pigments, nor like vegetable. I might have just taken a bite if they do.

"Oyasai (vegetable) crayon" has description on each crayons.

Each crayons are formed in neat condition, and there is no single broken fragment.

To be fair, I didn't rewrite these. "Yam" is not clear, it shouldn't, really.

All of the colors are, as you can see, very natural and mild. As crayons are supposed to work, writing quality of drawing thin lines is high. There was no stuck and broken tip, and of course, body of the crayon.

Not to mention the concern of accidental ingestion of kids, stain on hands is also very important matter because small children lick their hands like lollipops no matter what's on them. Although, these crayons are not advised as edible, they are much safer crayons to be licked or eaten than artificial crayons because they are made of vegetable and rice purely. (Just make sure kids won't swallow these.)

Next up is "Ohanano (flower) crayon". Made from dried flower, rapeseed oil and beeswax. Also not advised as edible.

They are:
1. Mint
2. Rose geranium
3. Garbera
4. Sunflower
5. Rose

Same as vegetable crayon, pushing bottom of the crayon makes easier to pick up.

Mild and natural color. It would have been so nice to draw flowers by using its own color, only if I had an artistic taste.

I hope they keep on making these wonderful crayons. Using vegetables and flowers that may be wasted is earth-friendly way of contribute to society. They may not be vivid as the artificial crayons, but they are surely safer and making people happy.
Writing (drawing) quality is high. Comfortably written or drawn.

Drew vegetables using mizuiro's vegetable crayon.

Color is very refreshing. This natural coloring makes drawing fun.

Flowers are bit more difficult that drawing vegetables. But again, natural color placing far from luscious should be perfect crayon for additive color for watercolor painting.

Where to buy: "space"
Address: 2F, 1-8-12, Shinmachi, Aomori city, Aomori
Open hours: 10:00 to 18:00
Closed on: Weekends and national holiday
Dealers are also available throughout Japan.
mizuiro official site (English).
Rakuten Official Online Shop