World's first soy sauce powder by Muroji
For me, soy sauce ("Shoyu" or 醤油) is not easy seasoning to handle for both as dipping or adding as seasoning. For example, dipping sashimi is all about choosing the right type of the sauce and dip less than half of the sashimi to enjoy both taste of the sauce and the fresh fish.
When it comes to cooking, I would pay attention for adding right amount of soy sauce. Pouring from the bottle can easily make your food almost tastes like it's made of soy sauce. So, using a spoon and pour on it, then add into the pan was my best option at the time. Simply a repeated routine of add and taste. After a couple of times doing so, the taste gradually approach to where, I would call, "landing zone".
Honestly, I like cooking. I really do. But "adding soy sauce part" of it, testes my nerve.
Soy sauce powder makes the pain go away.
It is world's first invention of soy sauce seasoning. And it is made by the oldest soy sauce brewery in Fukui called Muroji. Their business of brewing soy sauce was started in 1573 as under a name, Muroya. About 100 years later, they decided to concentrate on making soy sauce only in 1573.
Their product, soy sauce and some soy sauce related products have established solid reputation as the best. And recently, they did me a huge favor by selling soy sauce powder.

Soy sauce powder (天然醤油パウダー).
Price: ¥540
20g bottle. Preferable seasoning for whom wants or control salt consume. A shake of the bottle 0.1g and the bottle lasts for 200 times. Within it (0.1), only gives 0.03g of salt, lower than one hundredth of soy sauce.
This magical powder is made of additive-free soy sauce. It is not just the "soy sauce". Naturally brewed soy sauce.
Naturally brewed soy sauce is 1% of all produced in Japan. Because it takes tremendous amount of work and time to brew soy sauce naturally.
There's more. This powder doesn't contain any sort of animal ingredients, so vegetarian can use this powder without worrying what's in it.
Ingredients: Soy, wheat, salt, rice, sake lees.

O-gon salt (黄金ソルト 熟成醤油).
Price: ¥540
20g bottle. Made from additive-free and salt reduced soy sauce, Umasho. Five times more Umami and full-bodied compared to shoyu. Contain 20 amino acid, aspartic, threonine, glutamic, alanine, and so on. Peptide, taurine, and DHA are also in it.
Ingredients: Mackerel, soy, wheat, tapioca, salt.

O-gon salt, wasabi (黄金ソルト わさび醤油).
Price: ¥540
20g bottle. Same healthy contributions with Wasabi flavor added.
Ingredients: Mackerel, soy, wheat, tapioca, salt, wasabi.

O-gon salt, garlic (黄金ソルト にんにく醤油).
Price: ¥540
20g bottle. Same healthy contributions with garlic flavor added.
Ingredients: Mackerel, soy, garlic, wheat, tapioca, salt.

O-gon salt 3 pack (3種セット).
Price: ¥1,620
If you want them in a gift box, it's also available.

Sabadashi powder (さばだし粉末).
Price: ¥540
20g bottle. Same healthy contributions with bonito, scallop and more extracts added. If you are looking for something rich Umami flavor, this is it.
Ingredients: Mackerel, soy, wheat, tapioca, salt, bonito, scallop, shiitake mushroom, kelp.

Where to buy: "Muroji"
In Fukui area, Muroji's products should not be hard to find, pop into souvenir shops in stations. If you want to see and choose from all what they has to offer. Go to Muroji directly. The brewery does not have a big retailer, per se. But I checked with the brewery, their products can be sold at the brewery.
Address: 2-4-1, Tahara, Fukui city, Fukui
Open hours: 9:00 to 17:00
Closed on: weekends and national holidays
Muroji official site.