Kobe pudding by Toraku

Yes way. Kobe purin (pudding) made by Toraku is the one you want. Rich, thick and creamy pudding is invincible when delicious caramel sauce on top.
The reason for such long-lasting is not chemical. It's ingenious process of production. Pudding is heated and hardened at the same time. Plus, package used for Kobe purin has high sealability, the air and light won't in nor out. (Makes a bit hard to open though.)
Once, I got Kobe purin as souvenir. There were 2 in a box. I ate one on the day I got. Kept last one deep inside a fridge to avoid to be found by my wife because it was insanely good.
3 month later, it was there, lying under big chunk of ham.
The best part is that it tasted exactly the same.
The story is concluded on next day. My wife decides to throw away the garbage...

Kobe purin.
Price: ¥1,080
Monde selection award winner 4 years in a row. Thick creamy pudding itself is delicious. Caramel sauce on top, invincible!

Kobe purin, matcha.
Price: ¥1,080
Uji matcha is used. Citrus liqueur is used to give it a subtle flavor. Brown sugar syrup is mixed with caramel sauce.

Otonano Kobe purin.
Price: ¥1,188
Otonano means "for adults". Special caramel sauce is made with vanilla beans produced in Madagascar. Pudding is made with brandy.

Kobe purin, nama caramel.
Price: ¥540
Nama (raw) caramel is used. Sweet caramel pudding and slightly bitter caramel sauce is perfect match.

Kobe purin, premium vanilla.
Price: ¥1,296
The queen of vanilla, Bourbon vanilla is used. Caramel sauce is made with Madagascar vanilla beans. Vanilla paradise.
Where to buy: "Toraku"
Kobe purin is one of the most popular sweet in the region. Not difficult to find them at souvenir or gift shops in major station or airport.
Major train station such as Kobe, Himeji, San no miya station.
Kobe airport.
Food corner of department stores in Kobe.
Souvenir or gift shops in the region.
Again, not hard to find at all.
Toraku official site.
If you live in US, there's an alternative way to buy Kobe pudding, Snackoo.