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Maple Momiji Financier by Kaede no ki


For all my life, this is the most "unexpected" result of having to eat "Momiji sweet". It is, or at least had been, a kind of custom of people who went to Hiroshima, to buy "Momiji manju". (Momiji, autumn leave shaped sweet that has red bean paste inside.)

So I'd automatically assume and expect Momiji manju if I hear people going to Hiroshima. There was some part of me died, to expect something-else on Hiroshima's souvenir.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty other souvenir and good stuff you can buy in Hiroshima. It's just about my people who buy Momiji manju every time because those are too good to make them think otherwise.

hiroshima maple momiji financier, mementravel

And I thought this is one of such "Momiji memories". I soon found out I was wrong, the big time.

hiroshima new souvenir, momiji financier

Open a box. Individually packed.

maple momiji financier, mementravel, メメントラベル, メープルもみじフィナンシェ

As soon as open from the individual package, scent of maple syrup greets the nose.

Texture is moist-y and soft. Extremely thick flavor of maple syrup is a mind-blower. This sweet is simple, in terms of decoration and flavorings. Therefore, this is integral of all kinds of sweets.

Maple Momiji Financier.

Price: ¥1,080

8 packs.

Monde selection winner for 3 years in raw!


Where to buy: "Kaede no ki"

You may find "Maple Momiji Financier" in souvenir shops and gift shops of Hiroshima and surrounding area. I list up "Kaede no ki" retail stores just to be sure.

Kaede no ki store list.

Kaede no ki store list. (google translated)

Kaede no ki official site.


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