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Japanese products select shop, cotogoto
A SHOP THAT ALL JAPAN’S GOOD STUFFS ARE CONDENSED. “cotogoto” (コトゴト) is a select shop of Japanese goods which founded in 2012. Wide range of

Multi-brands shop, KataKana
A SHOP WHERE ALL COOL JAPANESE ITEMS GATHER, KATAKANA. Who doesn't want a choice, especially seeking for worth buying goods as souvenir?

Kutaniyaki by Mangetsu
ISHIKAWA CRAFTS, KUTANIYAKI POTTERY. Vividly and thickly painted pottery originated in Ishikawa prefecture. Colors such as yellow, green, bl

Lacquerware by Isuke
MODERN LACQUERWARE FOR REASONABLE PRICE. Lacquering in Japan has more than 2000 years of its history. The oldest lacquerware found was consi

Bizen ware by Kawaguchitorakuen
It started in and around Imbe village in Bizen province. Known for its reddish and brown color. Such color is ma
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