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Knit room shoes by MERI
COLORFUL ROOM SHOES BRIGHT YOUR ROOM AND MOOD. Concept of room shoes made of thick knit, produced by MERI is based on "Zori (草履, ぞうり)&q

Azuma bag by PARQ
INHERITED CULTURE FROM EDO PERIOD, WHEN SAMURAI EXISTED. "Aduma fukuro (あづま袋)" was a bag, two of furoshiki sew them up to form. It

World's first soy sauce powder by Muroji
THE OLDEST SOY SAUCE BREWERY MADE THE WORLD'S FIRST SEASONING. For me, soy sauce ("Shoyu" or 醤油) is not easy seasoning to hand

Sekishu Washi by Kubota
SUPERB PAPER INHERITED FROM OLD TIMES, JAPANESE PAPER, WASHI. Washi (和紙) is Japanese traditional paper, it is very first made paper in Japan

Kitchen knives by Jikko
FROM AMATEUR TO PROFESSIONAL, SPECIAL KNIFE SHOP IN OSAKA. Since my wife is pregnant, most of house work is my joyful mission. That, of cour

Uchiwa-ame by Ameshin
FAN, MADE OF CANDY, EAT? OR FAN? Candy craft shop called Ameshin, makes beautiful "uchiwa-ame (うちわ飴)". In Japanese, "Uchiwa&q

Lacquerware by Isuke
MODERN LACQUERWARE FOR REASONABLE PRICE. Lacquering in Japan has more than 2000 years of its history. The oldest lacquerware found was consi

Hanao shoes by WHOLE LOVE KYOTO
FUSION OF TRADITION AND MODERN, HANAO SHOES. You may not know the name of the string attached to "Geta (下駄)" or "Zori (草履)&qu

Kamakura-bori by Hakkodo
TRADITIONAL CRAFTING CALLED KAMAKURA-BORI. Kamakura-bori is referred to plates, cups, trays, boxes and many other crafted materials. They ar

Edo kiriko by Tadano glass-works
ANCIENT JAPANESE GLASS WORK, EDO KIRIKO. Also called, cut glass, founded in 1834 (Edo period). Delicate colors and patterns are placed on a

Bizen ware by Kawaguchitorakuen
It started in and around Imbe village in Bizen province. Known for its reddish and brown color. Such color is ma

Origami chopsticks by Hyozaemon
THREE SIDED CHOPSTICKS ARE EASY TO HOLD. Having trouble holding chopsticks? Well, it won't be bothering anymore with these chopsticks ma

Furoshiki by Musubi
ALL-ROUND SQUARE SHAPE CLOTH FOR REASONABLE PRICE. Furoshiki is Japanese square shape cloth that is used to cover and carry things. It was a

Kanzashi (Japanese hairpin) by wargo
HANDMADE JAPANESE HAIRPIN SHOP CALLED WARGO. Japanese ornamental hairpin is good souvenir for ladies. (or men?) Kanzasi is very easy to use

Hello kitty gold leaf by Imai
SHINY HELLO KITTY DELIGHTS AND ENLIGHTS. If you are Hello kitty lover. Going to Kanazawa in Ishikawa should be a piece of cake
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