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Baby goods by Akachan no Shiro
SAFE AND HIGH QUALITY BABY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY MADE IN JAPAN. The country of manufacture is not a big issue for me, as a grown up. Buying, at

Cat design goods at Neco Action
STORE OF VARIETY GOODS THAT ARE CAT ONlY MOTIF. In Arakawa area of Tokyo, there is a shop called "Neco Action". If you love cats i

Gardener tools at Hasamiya ichiban
TRUSTWORTHY TOOL SHOP FOR GARDENERS. In Osaka, there's a shop that is specialized in garden tools called "Hasamiya ichiban" (鋏

Knit room shoes by MERI
COLORFUL ROOM SHOES BRIGHT YOUR ROOM AND MOOD. Concept of room shoes made of thick knit, produced by MERI is based on "Zori (草履, ぞうり)&q

Azuma bag by PARQ
INHERITED CULTURE FROM EDO PERIOD, WHEN SAMURAI EXISTED. "Aduma fukuro (あづま袋)" was a bag, two of furoshiki sew them up to form. It

Hanao shoes by WHOLE LOVE KYOTO
FUSION OF TRADITION AND MODERN, HANAO SHOES. You may not know the name of the string attached to "Geta (下駄)" or "Zori (草履)&qu

Nail files by Goei seisakusho
A COMPANY OF MAKING INDUSTRIAL FILES, GOEI SEISAKUSHO. Goei seisakusho is located in Hiroshima city, producing files from professional (indu

Nail files by Karasawa yasuri
HIGH GRADE FILE FOR NAILS, MADE IN JAPAN. I used to work in a small company in Saitama where manufacture one of engine parts used in satelli

Reading glasses by Nishimura precision
MADE IN JAPAN EXTREMELY THIN READING GLASSES. A company called Nishimura precision makes maybe the thinnest glasses of all. They are 2mm thi

10 useful must-buy items by CanDo
PENNY WISE, POUND FOOLISH? Items sold in 100 Yen shops in Japan are cheap and many of those are useful. But some of items should be out of c

Dish towel by Nakagawa Masashichi
THE MORE YOU USE, THE MORE IT GETS SOFTER. Dish towels made by a company called Nakagawa Masashichi are well known product in Japan. Design

6 must-buy items by DAISO
SHOPPING PARADISE, 100 YEN SHOP IN JAPAN. As I get excited to go to a Poundworld, or Dollar tree to buy localized cheap items in foreign cou

Heat pack by Kiribai
VERY EASY TO USE HEAT PACK, LAST FOR 14 HOURS. In winter, heat pack called "Hokkairo" is one of the must-have items. Average tempe

Seki edge nail clipper by GREEN BELL
ROLLS ROYCE OF NAIL CLIPPER. How many of you care about nail clippers? I imagine very few. Once I had ingrown toenail and every time I play

Tenugui (hand towel) by Hamamonyo
MODERN DESIGNED JAPANESE STYLE HAND TOWEL. Not like typical designed Japanese hand towels, a company called Hamamonyo makes more colorful an
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