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Arimatsu Narumi Shibori by Aya Irodori
BEAUTIFUL TRADITIONAL CRAFTS, "ARIMATSU NARUMON SHIBORI" (有松鳴門絞り). "Arimatsu Narumi Shibori" (有松鳴門絞り) is a traditional p

Japanese products select shop, cotogoto
A SHOP THAT ALL JAPAN’S GOOD STUFFS ARE CONDENSED. “cotogoto” (コトゴト) is a select shop of Japanese goods which founded in 2012. Wide range of

Towel products by Imabari-yokkin
Personally, towels of Imabari are the best. They are high observing, soft, durable,

Multi-brands shop, KataKana
A SHOP WHERE ALL COOL JAPANESE ITEMS GATHER, KATAKANA. Who doesn't want a choice, especially seeking for worth buying goods as souvenir?

Hand towel (tenugui) by Eirakuya
TENUGUI COMPANY THAT HAS 400 YEARS OF ITS HISTORY, EIRAKUYA. Eirakuya (永楽屋) is tenugui (hand towel made of cotton) company founded in 1615 a

Variety Japanese goods at Kaya
KAYA IS ONE OF THE BEST JAPANESE GOODS STORE YOU CAN FIND IN JAPAN. Kaya is run by a company called Amina collection

Kitora shoyu by Tokuboshi
SOY SAUCE DESIGN MOTIF OF KITORA TUMULUS. Kitora tumulus, located in Nara prefecture is believed to have been constructed sometime in 7th or

Dish towel by Nakagawa Masashichi
THE MORE YOU USE, THE MORE IT GETS SOFTER. Dish towels made by a company called Nakagawa Masashichi are well known product in Japan. Design

Tenugui (hand towel) by Hamamonyo
MODERN DESIGNED JAPANESE STYLE HAND TOWEL. Not like typical designed Japanese hand towels, a company called Hamamonyo makes more colorful an
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