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Tinware by Satsuma-suzuki
TINWARE MAKES WATER TASTES BETTER AND FLOWER LASTS LONGER. Tin is natural water filter because it observes impurities. So, keeping water in

Denim jeans by KYOTO DENIM
JEANS THAT ARE MADE WITH THREE TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUE, KYOTO DENIM. A company called KYOTO DENIM make extraordinary priced jeans comparing to

Variety Japanese goods at Kaya
KAYA IS ONE OF THE BEST JAPANESE GOODS STORE YOU CAN FIND IN JAPAN. Kaya is run by a company called Amina collection

Local boutique of Nagaragawa depart
MULTI-BRAND SHOP THAT SALES LOCAL CRAFTS OF GIFU AREA. If you are vising Minatomachi of Gifu, just make sure your schedule has time to go to

Kutaniyaki by Mangetsu
ISHIKAWA CRAFTS, KUTANIYAKI POTTERY. Vividly and thickly painted pottery originated in Ishikawa prefecture. Colors such as yellow, green, bl

Kokeshi by Sakurai
KOKESHI, TRADITIONAL JAPANESE WOODEN DOLL. Kokeshi (こけし) is Japanese traditional crafts doll that is made of wood. (https://en

Bamboo crafts by Taketora
BAMBOO SPECIALIST TAKETORA, IN KOCHI. For more than 120 years, bamboo crafts specialized shop called "Taketora" (竹虎) has broaden t

Gardeners scissors by Sasaokahasami
GARDENERS SCISSORS, "UEKIBASAMI" (植木鋏). Legacy of samurai sword still exists. Kochi, located in Shikoku area of Japan, is one of t

Paulownia craft by Sekine kirizai
APPLYING TOP QUALITY PAULOWNIA AND TECHNIQUE. Paulownia trees (桐) grow in some countries in Asia. What makes Japanese paulownia the best mat

Uchiwa-ame by Ameshin
FAN, MADE OF CANDY, EAT? OR FAN? Candy craft shop called Ameshin, makes beautiful "uchiwa-ame (うちわ飴)". In Japanese, "Uchiwa&q

Lacquerware by Isuke
MODERN LACQUERWARE FOR REASONABLE PRICE. Lacquering in Japan has more than 2000 years of its history. The oldest lacquerware found was consi

Folding fan by Ibasen
430 YEARS OF HISTORY, IBASEN'S FOLDING FAN. In Kobunacho of Tokyo, Ibasen opens up the store for nearly 430 years since Edo period. If y

Folding fan at Hakuchikudo
FOLD YOUR FAN AND BOLD FUN. A folding fan is called "sensu" in Japan. It is often used as an accessory for kimono and daily use is
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